My Umrah Diary, part 4: Health
There are many aspects of health that we started to pay attention when we are about to perform Umrah, and for me, this is the most exciting part.
Starting from maintaining our body movement. Since I made the decision in December, I have even more motivation to go to the gym. One hour threadmill isn't so boring anymore because I am imagining as if I was walking around the ka'ba. I think this is crucial especially for those who work 9to5 sitting down in the office, our body needs to have a 3 months of warming up before actually doing the thawaf and sa'i.
The second is general medical check up. I am grateful that Allah provided me with a free medical check up via the office, so I have no issue in this. If you want, there are some Islamic hospitals that provides general medical checkup for only 750.000 rupiah or in Prodia for 1.500.000 rupiah. But normally people take this option for hajj because of the longer time and more people.
The third is preparing your own personal medical kit. It seems simple, but doesn't necessarily that cheap. Although in my case, our group will be accompanied by a doctor, I will still bring some extra medicines because I heard that pills are expensive there. So maybe after the umrah I could give it away in there. Basic things such as paracetamol, panadol, gastric acid, cough, vitamin C, vitamin D, Zinc, and more, are in my list. May Allah grant us all health to perform this ibadah.
The fourth is vaccine. I am grateful for this because just today I received a text message from one of the hospital that the Meningitis Vaccine is now available. I have been searching for 2 weeks now, and sign up in the waiting list in all hospital in this city which provides vaccine. But other than the mandatory one (meningitis), for me, it could be better if we can take influenza vaccine as well. I am making this mandatory for myself because I know how bad it is for me if I keep on sneezing. My sneezes are like cat's sneeze, that's what people said. I don't want people to stare at me and laugh like they always did. So when the hospital text me that the vaccine is now ready and they booked me a schedule on Wednesday, I said yes immediately. But when I asked whether they have influenza vaccine or not, they said the vaccine is still being ordered and they cannot guarantee if it will be ready soon.. a brief of disappointment there, but Alhamdulillah Allah did not let it longer than 15 minutes because the admin texted me again that the vaccine has been shipped as we speak. Alhamdulillah. I got this at bundling price of 500.000 rupiah. Alhamdulillah.
The fifth is period, and this is by far is my biggest concern. Initially, I thought I had received some miracles. Because my period is (Alhamdulillah) always on time. She is very discipline to the point that she came right around the same time every month (after ashr and almost magrib, which is a perfect combo for Ramadan). So according to the calendar, my next period in March will be around 12-17 March which was the first plan with the first travel agent. In December, I had my period as normal. But I keep making du'a, take it to my daily conversation with Allah that I have this concern, but I am okay to take the pill to stop my period temporarily, but I am afraid because I get migraine easily when my hormones are not balance. Allah heard that du'a and in January, my period is all of sudden got delayed of 5 days. FIVE DAYS! It almost never late for 1 day let alone more than 3 days, and now she is late for 5 days. And when I checked, I was flooded with tears of joy because my next period in March was moved to the 17th of March which will be my last day (traveling back to Jakarta). Later on, this trip got canceled, and I booked a new one which date is exactly on the 17th of March. I am not sad, nor disappointed. I am still in awe of how Allah has put this in order. I keep making du'a thanking Allah for this, and told Him that I am happy taking the pill. In fact, today after gym I went to a clinic to consult again one more time with an obgyn. Just to make sure that it will be safe for me, an unmarried woman with a tendency of migraine to take the pill. The pill itself only costs 70.000 rupiah per strip (10 pills). For my dosage (2 pills a day at the exact same hour every day), and the length between the start of period to the end of the Umrah trip, I will need 72 pills so it will be 7 strips at least.. (I am considering to let the last day go because it will be just traveling back). so it will cost me around 490.000 rupiah and to consult with the obgyn is 250.000 rupiah each time. I don't want to suggest you to take the pill without consulting, because everybody's system is different. The doctor said if you have a habit of having iregular period, then an USG might be required before you taking the pill.
Last but not least, is to constantly pay attention to your daily consumption. Be mindful of what we eat, make sure that it is not only halal but also sourced responsibily, with good money, and with the right intention. I assure you, it is so beautiful to practice mindfulness when you are in the journey of loving Allah. I never feel this contentment before and this is very rewarding.
I pray that all of us may live in the sweetness of iman, so the road other than this straight path won't be so tempting anymore. I wish that I could die with a heart full of love to my Creator.
Bogor, 17 Feb 2025.
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