My Umrah Diary, part 3: Timing


I heard people say that those who go for Umrah or Hajj, are because they are being invited by Allah that's why they are also called "the guests of Allah". I think that's true because just because you have the money, doesn't mean you have another resources to do Umrah or Hajj, and time is one of the main resources.

Many of us need to work 9to5 for the rest of their life. Time is not theirs, but belongs to the corporate who hire them. This is so unfortunate, and I pray that everyone of us could have the freedom to choose what we want to do with our time, including me. 

But speaking of time, I think 2025 is an exquisite year. The 1st of January is equal to the 1st of Rajab. The 1st of Ramadan will be on the same day with 1st of March (Insya Allah). And the Nisfu Sya'ban (15th of Sya'ban) is on FRIDAY. How I love Friday.. 

Time is what we need to have before we go for Umrah or Hajj. For me, I am blessed because I have the privilege to work under flexible working time and place. As for choosing this year to do Umrah for the first time, is also a privilege because the previous years, everytime a calamity happened, my first thought would be to go to Bali or Yogyakarta or anywhere else in the world except Mecca. Oh Allah, I don't how else should I express this gratitude to You. The feeling is just indescribable.

Time management is what we need to pay attention to during Umrah preparation. Choosing which time is best to do vaccine (mandatory or not, I recommend you to still do vaccine if you have the resources), arranging your time in a day to make room for studying the Quran and memorise the surahs, and listening to as much as of syiar to soften your heart into the word of Allah. This is just so you can discipline yourself to the time division when you are in Mecca or Madinah. For me, because I will spend 10 days in Mecca and 3 days in Madinah (Insya Allah) - as it turns out the 17 days in advertisement also includes 1 day pre-departure and early morning landing in Jakarta so practically only 15 days include travel.. but Alhamdulillah. 10 days could be long and short, depends on how you use it. If it is for the gym, of course its painfully long. Not sure how it will be in Mecca, but I guess it won't be a long day. 

Learn how to divide how many hours you would spend in the masjid, how many hours you would spend to sleep, and how many hours you would spend to enjoy the surrounding. I would still love to do some shopping, so for me, I'll spend all night in the masjid, going back to sleep in the morning, and maybe a little bit strolling around in the afternoon. Insya Allah. May Allah allow this for me.

I also would suggest to take 3 months to prepare if this is your first Umrah, like me. 3 months is a perfect time to gather your suitcase, plan what to bring and buy what you don't have yet, learning, studying, and redirecting the intention. Remember, the intention for Umrah SHOULD NOT about having our du'as to be answered only. What's in our heart is our wish, but keep in mind that Allah's plan is greater than our will. He is the Rabb, not our feeling. The intention for Umrah should be to get closer to Him, to make tawbah, and to gain His full forgiveness. Hellfire is too extreme you won't survive it even for a second. So, make sure the intention is clear. Although it is not wrong to make du'a but always keep in mind that we are just slave, begging for something in which our Rabb knows what is better for us.

I know a friend of mine who did Umrah, go to the multazam places, make du'a and cry her heart out just to be with her ex. She begged Allah to reunite them both. And when Allah didn't make it happened, she told me that she got tired of praying and she won't pray again which I scold her immediately. I love her, that's why I'm being hard to this matter. Who is the Lord here? Allah or your feeling?. 

Making a clear intention for Umrah and discipline yourself are two keys to upgrade your life. I also look forward on what will happen next, but I never got disappointed to every scenarios Allah has given me till this point. Yes, there are things that he took from me which I hold so dearly, but that is all for the the best because I got attached way too much which I supposed to be attached only to Allah and no other. I lost my laa illaha illa Allah during those time. So I am grateful when I didn't get what I so dearly want, because at the end of the day, I have Allah. This life, no matter how crowded it will get in the future, with husband, children, it will just me and Him eventually.

Thanks for reading!

Happy Friday!

Somewhere in the Sky, 14-02-2025.

Shoot I forgot today is Valentine!!!!!!!!!!


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