My Umrah Diary part 2: What to Prepare
What to prepare for Umrah?
I think the most basic thing is to understand how to perform Umrah, perfecting our shalah and the sunnahs, perfecting our wudhu, and maintain our heart. Other than that, you can have many people giving tips on video on how to pack, what to bring, where to go, and what to do in the haramain.
But I just want to add one thing, which is to learn and understand in deep the seerah of the Prophet and as much as the background cause (asbabun nuzul) of an ayah or surah. Why? Because the place that you are about to visit is the same place of where the Quran was sent down, to the best of human being ever created (Peace be upon him). My favorite thing about going places is to understand the historical story of the place. I've done it in multiple places, but only at the age of (almost) 33 I finally realised I haven't done this to the core of my religion: The Quran.
We will about to visit the same land where the Prophet (PBUH) was born, raised, grow up, do the syiar, suffered with years of rejection, make hijrah, earn the victory, and passed away. Trust me, the moment you visit a place, loaded with knowledge of what happened at that site, is a moment of amazement and you will be forever grateful that you understand the story so you can feel it at heart.
The core of knowledge is not brain, it is heart.
For me, I add with another lesson which is to study Arabic. The reason is because my brain could not idle for longer than 5 minutes. If the imam recites surahs I dont know (which probably 90% of it), I would be struggling to maintain focus, so it is best for me to understand the language as much as understand the surah (and memorizing it but with some.. you know.. aging brain).. just so I can keep up with the recitation.
You see, it's a very busy day preparing for Umrah. I wish every one of you who would go for Umrah are not only focusing on what to wear and where to eat. It is more than that kind of trip.
Imagine if we could die there.. close to the Prophet. Amazing, isn't it..?
Bogor, 12 Feb 2025.
(Erdogan is here today, but I have no clue if the city is busy and crowded today because I spent my time on my desk from dusk to dawn).
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